quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

Business Letters

How to write:
1 - Date
2 - Your Company adress
3 - Adress of the person
4 - As much space as you need to put the body of the letter in the center
5 - Salution (Mr. Ms. Dr.) - VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss.
6 - Body
Eg.#1 With reference to... (our phone conversation...)
Eg.#2 I'm writing to you to... (confirm, inquire about, apologize for, comment on, apply for...)
Once you have introduced the reason for your writing your business letter, be more specific. Here are a number of possibilities:
     Requesting: Could you possibly? / I would be grateful if you could...
     Agreeing to Requests: I would be delighted to...
     Giving Bad News: Unfortunately / I am afraid that...
     Enclosing Documents: I am enclosing / Please find enclosed / Enclosed you will find...
7 - Closing
Eg.#1 I would be grateful if you could... (include a brochure...)
Eg.#2 I look forward to... (meeting you at.../ hearing from you soon)
Eg.#3 Please contact us again if... (if we can help in any way / there are any problems / you have any questions)
8 - Thank you for your... (prompt help...)
9 - Yours faithfully (if you don't kow the person's name) / Yours sincerely (if you know the person's name) / Best regards or Best wishes (if the person is a close contact business or a friend)
10 - Full name and title (signature)


1 - Keep the letter brief and to the point
2 - Do not use shortened verb forms
3 - Always keep a copy of correspondence for future reference
4 - If you are unsure how formal you should be, always choose a more formal form.
5 - The date can be written before, between or after the adresses.


ABC Company
2310 Main Street
Any Town, AS 41109

January 06,2011

Mr. John Smith, Commercial Manager
2567 Wall Street
Any Town, OS 44333

Dear (prezado) Mr. Smith:

With reference to our phone conversation today, I am writting to confirm our appointment on January 8.
I would be grateful if you could read the enclosure documents relating to our partnership.
Thank you for your support.

Yor Sincerely, (atenciosamente)

Robert Brown

2 Enclosures (2 anexos)

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