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Comprar lingerie pode ser mais difícil do que parece...
10 Types of Bras

Lepel Emma Embroidered Lace Corset Padded Balcony Bra
1 - Balcony (Meia-taça)
The balcony bra has a half-cup and flatters most figures, providing uplift and helping to create a better shape. It also looks great under many different types of clothes, so is a great addition to any woman’s lingerie collection. The balcony bra is particularly suitable for wear under low-cut, round-necked tops.
half-cup = meia-taça
low-cut = decote
round-necked tops = gola canoa
Comprar lingerie pode ser mais difícil do que parece...
10 Types of Bras

1 - Balcony (Meia-taça)
The balcony bra has a half-cup and flatters most figures, providing uplift and helping to create a better shape. It also looks great under many different types of clothes, so is a great addition to any woman’s lingerie collection. The balcony bra is particularly suitable for wear under low-cut, round-necked tops.
half-cup = meia-taça
low-cut = decote
round-necked tops = gola canoa

2 - Push-up = (Geralmente com gel ou silicone para levantar os seios e torná-los maior)
The push-up bra is designed to provide you with maximum uplift and help to accentuate your cleavage. It’s suitable for wear under many different types of clothing.
uplift = sustentação
cleavage = colo

3 - ¾ Cup Bra (Sutiã com taças maiores, maior cobertura)
The ¾ cup bra provides great support, thanks to underwiring, whilst allowing you to reveal a little more than the full-cup bra. It’s perfect for wearing under a low-cut top or evening dress.
whilst = enquanto
underwiring = aro
evening dress = vestido de noite

4 - Moulded Bra (copo do sutiã moldado)
The cups of a moulded bra have no seams, due to the fact that they are made from single pieces of material, so they are great for wearing under clothing that’s either close-fitting or made from thin material. This type of bra would be a great addition to any woman's lingerie collection.
seams = costuras
close fitting = roupa justa

5 - Multiway (multi-maneira / multi-uso)
The multiway is one of the most versatile types of bra that you can buy, and is a must-have lingerie item. The straps can be adjusted so that it can be worn under halterneck tops, strapless tops, crossover back tops or off-the-shoulder tops, and it will still provide the support that you need, due to its underwiring.
must-have = obrigatória
straps = tiras
halterneck tops = blusas frente únicas
strapless tops = blusas tomara que caia
crossover back tops = blusas trançadas nas costas
off-the-shoulder tops = blusas de um ombro

6 - T-shirt Bra (sutiã invisível por baixo de camisetas e roupas claras)
The t-shirt bra is the perfect lingerie purchase for summer. The cups are moulded and seamless, so you can wear t-shirts or other items of clothing made from thin material.
seamless = sem costura
If you find underwired bras uncomfortable, you can buy non-wired bras. This type of bra will still provide you with support, due to the way in which it is designed.
underwired bras = sutiãs com aros

8 - Padded (acolchoado)
A padded bra will help to enhance your shape, providing you with a great silhouette whilst being extremely comfortable to wear. This type of bra can be worn under many different types of tops and dresses, and wearing one will help you to feel confident about your figure.
enhance = realçar

9 - Sports Bra (sutiã esportivo)
A staple item in any lingerie collection, the sports bra provides support without the use of wires and is made from stretchy material, so that it’s comfortable whilst you are exercising.
staple = mais importante
stretchy material = material elástico

10 - Plunge
The plunge bra has a lower front than the balcony bra, and the cups are angled, so wearing a plunge bra will help you to accentuate your cleavage. Plunge bras look great when worn under low-cut tops, particularly those with plunging V-necks.
V-necks = decote V
Others with or without bulge (bojo)

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