terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

New Year's Resolutions - Decisões de Ano Novo

Algumas decisões precisam ser atualizadas, modificadas, adaptadas ou mesmo excluídas com o passar do tempo. O mais importante é não desistir e traçar metas para o próximo ano. 

Comprovado: As metas colocadas no papel tem mais chances de serem realizadas.

1. Coloque suas metas no papel.
2. Não escolha metas impossíveis, mas vá modificando ou dificultando a medida que forem sendo atingidas. 
3. Estabeleça uma data limite para cada uma delas.
4. Observe periodicamente em que estágio de realização elas se encontram.
5. Estabeleça um plano de ação para cada uma delas: como, quando, por quê e quem (se você depender de alguém). 




1 - Lose weight (perder peso)
2 - Stop smoking (parar de fumar)
3 - Fnd a new job (encontrar um novo emprego)
4 - Eat healthy food (comer comida saudável)
5 - Save money (economizar dinheiro)
6 - Pay off debts (saldar as dívidas)
7 - Take a trip (fazer uma viagem)
8 - Find a true love (encontrar um amor verdadeiro)
9 - Go back to school (voltar para a escola)
10 - Help others (ajudar outros)


Teacher Roberta Gomez

quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014

Jé pensou em trabalhar na Disney nas férias?

O primeiro passo é o estudante se cadastrar no site http://www.stb.com.br/intercambio-trabalho/trabalho-nas-ferias/22/cultural-exchange-program e a partir de Fevereiro/Março acompanhar diariamente em nosso site a divulgação das datas da Palestra onde serão dadas todas as informações e agendadas as primeiras entrevistas com o Staff do STB.

- Ter no mínimo 18 anos de idade até a data de início do processo seletivo;
- Ter inglês fluente;
- Ser estudante universitário regularmente matriculado em curso presencial reconhecido pelo MEC, com duração mínima de quatro anos e calendário acadêmico regular;
- Estar cursando entre o segundo e o último período acadêmico;
- Ter disponibilidade para iniciar e completar o programa a partir de meados de novembro até o começo de março do ano seguinte;
- Possuir condições financeiras para custear bilhete aéreo de ida e volta, seguro médico internacional, as primeiras duas semanas de acomodação e despesas de visto;
- Estar apto a morar com participantes de diferentes países e culturas;
- Ser extrovertido, alegre e flexível.

E-mail de contato é stbwork@stb.com.br

sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014

Something I need - One Republic

I wanna die with yoooooou!!! haha
See you guys!
Teacher Vinicius Paes

sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014

Price tag - Jessie J

Money can't buy us happiness, communication can!
See you around!
Teacher Vinicius Paes

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry

"Learning English" is the beginning of something so magical!
See you all!
Teacher Vinicius Paes

sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014

E.T. - Katy Perry

Are you ready for abduction? 
See you in another galaxy! 
Teacher Vinicius Paes

quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2014

I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift

Shame on you, Taylor! ~~ hahaha
See you guys!
Teacher Vinicius Paes

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014

Empty Frames - Lauren Bennett

Teacher Vinicius

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014

Love me harder - Ariana Grande

Teacher Vinicius

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

What Are You Waiting For? - Nickelback

Believe in every dream that you've got!
Teacher Vinicius

segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014


UNVOICED / VOICELESS (vocal cords do not vibrate)
E.g.: think, thought, thorny, thing, method, bath, thank, birthday, tooth, thirteen...
VOICED (vocal cords vibrate)
E.g.: the, these,  those, rather, them, mother, father, they, other, together, smoth...
Place tongue between the teeth for both types.
Now practice pronouncing these sentences using the 2 th sounds. 

1. I thank my three brothers. 
2. My birthday is on Thursday April third. 
3. These three teeth hurt in my mouth. 
4. They went with their mother to the theater. 
5. There are thirteen thin women there. 
6. She has a loose tooth in her mouth. 

quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2014

Meet the parents

- Excuse me.
- Okay, where's the fire, huh?
- Will you hand me that pillow over there?
- I'm sorry, sir. You're gonna have to check that.
- I got it.
- No, I'm sorry. That 1.______________ won't fit
- No, I'm not-- Hey. I'm not checking my bag, okay?
- There's no need to raise your voice, sir.
- I'm not raising my voice. This would be raising my voice to you, okay? I don't want to check my bag. By the way, your 2.______________, you suck at checking bags. Because I already did that once, and you lost it, and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me. Okay?
- I can assure you that your bag... will be placed safely below deck with the other luggage.
- Oh, yeah? How do you know my bag will be 3.______________ below with the other luggage? Are you physically gonna take my bag beneath the plane? Are you gonna go with the guys with the earmuffs and put it in there?
- No.
- No? Okay. Then shut your pie hole... and listen to me when I say that l am finished... with the checking-of-the-bags conversation!
- Sir, we have a 4.______________ on this airline that if a bag is this large, we...
- Get your grubby little paws off of my bag, okay? It's not like I have a bomb in here. It's not like I want to blow up the plane.
- Sir!
- I wanna stow my bag according to your safety 5.______________.
- Sir, sir... 
- If you would take a second... and take the little sticks out of your head and clean out your ears, maybe you would see that I'm a person  who has feelings, and all I have to do is do what I wanna do! All I wanna do is hold onto my bag and not listen to you! The only way that I would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over here now... and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers. Okay? If you can get it from my kung fu grip, then you can have it. Okay? Otherwise, step off, bitch.

Fire = fogo
Pillow = travesseiro
Fit = caber
Raise your voice = aumentar a sua voz
To screw up = estragar 
Below deck = compartimento de baixo, bagageiro
Beneath = sob
Earmuffs = protetor de ouvidos
Grubby little paws = patinhas sujas
Pry = arrancar
Grip = punho
Otherwise = do contrário

quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014


I wish you all a painful death!! HA HA HA HA HA
Teacher Vinicius

terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2014

segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014


- I 1.______________ who you are. You've been 2.______________ over me my whole life. I know you're there. Your 3._______________, it's been following me ever since I was 4._______________. Don't be afraid.
- I'm not 5.______________. 
- Then come out.
- Then you will be afraid.

Ever since = desde que
To be afraid = ter medo
To come out = sair

sábado, 25 de outubro de 2014

Buying a gift - The Big Bang Theory

- Did you forget your key?
- I don't see anything in here a woman would want.
- You're kiddingYou've got 1._______________ and bath oils and soaps that's the estrogen hat trick.
- What it is is a cacophonous assault of eucalyptus, bayberry, cinnamon and vanilla. It's as if my head were trapped in the pyjamas of a sultan.
- Sheldon, if you don't like this 2._______________, let's just go next door and build her a bear.
- I told you before, beans are terrifying.
- Come on, bath stuff. It's perfect! You got a scented candle, a cleansing buff, spearmint and green tea scented bath oil, promotes relaxation.
- That presupposes Penny is tense.
- She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!
- Excuse me, we're ready.
- No, we're not.
- Let's say for a moment that I 3._______________ the bath item gift hypothesis, I now lay the following conundrum at your feet: Which size?
- This one. Let's go.
- You put no thought into that.
- I'm sorry. Uh... this one. Let's go!
- I have insufficient data to proceed.
- Excuse me, miss?
- Yes?
- If I were to give you this gift 4._______________, based on that action alone and no other data, infer and describe the hypothetical relationship that exists between us.
- Excuse me?
- Here. Now, are we friends? Colleagues? Lovers? Are you my grandmother?
- I don't understand what you're talking about and you're making me a little 5._______________.
- See? Sounds just like you and Penny. We'll take it.

You're kidding = Você está brincando
Scented candle = vela perfumada
Bath oil = óleo de banho
Basket = cesta

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014


Be Careful - TOP 10

1 - Sheep x Cheap
2 - Share x Chair
3 - Shoe x Chew
4 - Ship x Chip
5 - Shock x Chalk
6 - Wash x Watch
7 - Cash x Catch
8 - Wish x Witch
9 - Sheet x Cheat
10 - Shop x Chop

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

Birthday - Katy Perry

Vocabulary & Expressions
Sweet = Doce
Gift = Presente
Suit = Terno, conjunto
I'll give you a taste = Vou te dar um gostinho
Running out of time = Ficando sem tempo
Make a wish = Fazer um pedido

Happy b-day!!!
See you!
Teacher Vinicius

Family Consonant Sounds

Practice the  pronunciation of the following family consonant sounds: 

BR: Brush. Brick, Bread, Brown, Brave, Brain, Bring, Bronze...

CR: Crown, Crawl, Crayon, Cry, Crash, Cross, Crab, Crop...

DR: Drop, Dragon, Drums, Drug, Dry, Drain, Drive, Drink...

FR: French, Frog, Fry, Frame, Fresh, Fruit, Frown, Free, Friend...

GR: Grass, Green, Grape, Graph, Great, Ground, Gray, Gripe...

PR: Present, Prawn, Prepay, Proof, Pray, Presume, Protest, Pride...

TR: Trip, Trash. Truck, Train, Trout, Tray, Tribe, Trophy, True...

WR: Wrist, Write, Wrong, Wrath, Writer, Wrack, Wretch...

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2014


As palavras CVC (consonant vowel consonant) geralmente possuem um padrão no som das vogais, mas ATENÇÃO toda regra sem tem exceções. 

A: /æ/ 
Eg.: bad, can, cat, had, fat, sad, tap, ran...

E: /e/
Eg.: bed, get, let, red, met, bet, yes, ten...

I - /ɪ/
Eg.: sit, fit, big, did, in, pig, six, fix, mix...

O - /ɑ/
Eg.: pot, hot, lot, pop, box, fox, got, not...

U - /ʌ/
Eg.: bus, but, fun, run, sun, gun, cut...

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2014

Election-Related Terms

 1. I'll vote for... 
Eu vou votar no (a)...
2. First-Round / Second-Round or Runoff
Primeiro Turno / Segundo Turno
3. Candidate Free Airtime
Horário Político
4. (Eletronic) Ballot box
Urna eleitoral (eletrônica)
5. Paper Ballot or Electronic Ballot
Cédula Eleitoral
6. Election Day
Dia de Eleição
7. Political Party
Partido Político
8. My vote is blank /  null
Meu voto é branco / nulo
9. Mayor and Councilman
Prefeito e Vereador
10. Exit Poll
Boca de Urna
11. President / Governor / Senator
Presidente / Governador / Senador
12. Justify the vote
Justificar o voto
13. Electoral Campaign
Campanha Eleitoral
12. Public Funding
Financiamento Público
13. Straw Poll / Straw Vote
Enquete / Pesquisa de opinião pública

quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014

Three Scenarios For Brazil After Elections (Três cenários para o Brasil após as eleições)

Veja o que diz na FORBES:

Dilma “Bleh”
“If Dilma wins, foreign investment and the stock market will decline, even though foreign investment will still be high by comparison to other years. There will be very little movement on interest rates because they are close aligned with inflation and growth. The dollar will strengthen to R$2.40 and the equity markets will likely end the year around 5% higher than last year. But in the mid-term (until elections), the Bovespa should trend higher. There is a good chance that there will be a change at the Finance Ministry (now run by Guido Mantega), and that could lead to positive sentiment among foreign investors.”
"Se Dilma ganhar, o investimento estrangeiro e o mercado de ações vai diminuir, mesmo se o investimento estrangeiro continuar elevado em comparação aos outros anos. Haverá muito pouco movimento nas taxas de juros, porque eles estão alinhadas com a inflação e o crescimento. O dólar vai fortalecer a R $ 2,40 e os mercados de ações provavelmente terminarão o ano em torno de 5% maior do que no ano passado. Mas, no médio prazo (até as eleições), a Bovespa tende a subir. Há uma boa chance de que haverá uma mudança no Ministério da Fazenda (agora dirigido por Guido Mantega), e que pode levar ao sentimento positivo entre os investidores estrangeiros ".

Aécio “Boom”
Aécio Neves of the PSDB party, nicknamed the Tucans, or Tucanos in Portuguese, wins and puts his social democratic party back in business. PSDB ran Brazil for 8 years under ex-Finance Minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso and then lost to Workers’ Party front man Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Brazil has been run by the Workers’ Party for 12 years. If Aécio brings back the Tucanos to the Presidential Palace, “foreign investment, particularly speculative capital, should increase while foreign direct investment should remain unchanged. Interest rates will likely go up because a new Finance Minister will be more rigorous in attacking inflation. The dollar will weaken closer to R$2.00 by year’s end, but will strengthen again in 2015 with the increase in U.S. interest rates. Given those two scenarios, the stock market will have a strong rally.”
Aécio Neves do partido PSDB, apelidado de Tucanos, vence e coloca seu partido social-democrata de volta no negócio. O PSDB geriu o Brasil por oito anos pelo ex-ministro das Finanças, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e, em seguida, perdeu para homem de frente do Partido dos Trabalhadores, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. O Brasil tem sido gerido pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores há 12 anos. Se o Aécio trouxer de volta os Tucanos para o Palácio Presidencial,  "o investimento estrangeiro, especialmente o capital especulativo, deve aumentar, enquanto que o investimento estrangeiro direto deve permanecer inalterado. As taxas de juros provavelmente vão subir porque um novo ministro das Finanças será mais rigoroso em atacar a inflação. O dólar vai enfraquecer mais perto de R $ 2,00 no final do ano, mas vai fortalecer novamente em 2015 com o aumento das taxas de juros nos Estados Unidos. Diante desses dois cenários, o mercado de ações terá um forte restabelecimento. "

Marina “A Mystery”
If the election goes to Marina Silva, a former heavy weight within the Workers’ Party, the scenario will be “identical to that of Neves. Marina can alter the scenario somewhat, particularly on agribusiness issues, which accounts for 25% of Brazil’s GDP.”
Se a eleição for para Marina Silva, ex-peso pesado dentro do Partido dos Trabalhadores, o cenário será "idêntica ao de Neves. Marina pode alterar o cenário um pouco, especialmente nas questões do agronegócio, que responde por 25% do PIB do Brasil. 

* Neste texto, ainda se falava de Eduardo Campos, por isso foi reduzido em relação ao conteúdo original. 

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

Magic 8-Ball

Hi there!!! Já ouviu falar na bola mágica 8
Ela faz parte da cultura americana. É uma bola que sabe tudo sobre o futuro.
Você pergunta, é ela responde. 
É claro que é uma brincadeira, mas que é legal sacudir e torcer por aquela resposta esperada, ah isso é. Sempre tem uma na sala de espera da escola.
Da próxima vez que você for nos visitar, faça uma perguntinha e GOOD LUCK!!!
Ah, ela sempre aparece nos filmes, inclusive em animações. Veja abaixo em uma cena do Toy Story.

The 20 answers inside a Magic 8 Ball are:
As 20 respostas dentro da Bola Mágica 8 são:
 It is certain 
 It is decidedly so
 Without a doubt
 Yes definitely
 You may rely on it
 As I see it, yes
 Most likely
 Outlook good
 Signs point to yes
 Reply hazy try again
 Ask again later
 Better not tell you now
 Cannot predict now
 Concentrate and ask again
 Don't count on it (A resposta do Woody na cena abaixo - Não conte com isto)
 My reply is no
 My sources say no
 Outlook not so good
 Very doubtful
10 das respostas são Positivas(), 5 são Negativas (), e 5 são Neutras ().

terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014


No matter how far you go,
Man cannot escape his 1.________________.
Who are you?
Are you a murderer?
Are you a 2. _________________ who turns his back on the innocent?
We 3.________________ in you.
We have faith in you.
Remember the deeds you have performed.
The labors you have 4.________________.
Are you only the legend, or are you the truth
behind the 5.________________?
Now tell me!
Who are you?
I am Hercules!

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014

Emirates - Behind the scenes

- Evacuate, evacuate.

- This is not your ordinary cabin crew trainee. Here are the states of the aviation college new trainees undergoing on an intense seven-and-a-half-week course where they are tested not just on theory and procedures, but putting their knowledge to practice. So in case of any real life emergency the crew are well prepared.

- I think here in Emirate it's incredibly well-prepared. As you've seen, we call the fidelity, the high fidelity about evacuation trainings, they are real to life. We are very luck that our shareholder owner understand that if you're gonna get the best in the air, you actually have to make sure that the people here on the ground have the best.

- Lights at the floor level will direct you to the doors. Please, read the safety card which is in your seat pocket. 

- As passengers when we fly, we can seat back, relax and enjoy the ride. But for the crew on board who look for hundreds of passengers, it's not just about serving a hot meal, but being prepared for whatever happens at 40.000 feet.

- Five, six, seven, eight, nine... done by 38.

- But what's the most common emergency on board? 

- Maybe (?) it the majority of things that we have, if think about the fact the some of our flights can be 16 hours and a lot of things can happen, emergency. We've been, you know, very luck. We’ve seen things like reject the take-offs and all the sort of thinks that many airlines have, but we really have had anything major. So the crew gets to practice a lot of things that a hope and I know they will never ever have to deal with in real life.

- A 16 hour flight, 40,000 feet up in the air, changing time zones, and flying can be tough as a passenger and it definitely isn't an easy job. But you never know. By the number of worldwide applicants in 2011, there were over 90,000 applicants. And only 4,000 were selected to join.

- Obviously the number we need is driven by the aircraft. And when we have coming there's around 5% who actually are successful. So the people who come are pretty amazing and we go around the world. I think that last year we went to 146 cities in 79 countries to look for cabin crew, so they're pretty special bunch of people.

- Well, most of airline globally-work to avoid state aid and bankruptcy, Emirates is not only one of the fastest-growing carries in the world, but also only one of the handful airlines actively focused on high-quality service.

- A lot of people, I don't believe realize the debt of knowledge and skill that people need to become cabin crew. So for me it's around that (?) to understanding that you know the (?) in an airline safety is at the heart of operation, so we spend a lot of time with our crew looking for emergency and safety procedures and they get training in the gym uniform, as we've said, we've talked about medical, obviously cabin service training. So making sure that they're delivering our wonderful product. We have an amazing product on board the aircraft in terms of food and beverage, and of course they need to be delivered with grace, elegance and a fabulous smile and really friendly.

- The signature red hat and impeccable uniform and service with smile, the Emirates flight attendant is unmistakable, but don't be fooled, these crew members are the products of a program that is almost as selective as Harvard.

terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2014

Poisonous X Venomous

Já se perguntou alguma vez qual a diferença entre venom e poison? Ambos no português significam veneno, mas a diferença não é na tradução e sim na forma de transmitir esse veneno. Bem, vou deixar que os próprios animais expliquem isso nessa pequena historinha aqui embaixo:

Viram só? Então um animal "poisonous" é aquele que só libera seu veneno ao ser tocado ou ingerido por outro animal, já no "venomous" o veneno é injetado. 

Overhear = ouvir (por acaso, sem querer)
Toxins =  toxinas
Secrete = secretar (expelir, lançar substancias para fora)
Both = ambos
Anyway = de qualquer forma
Actually = na verdade

Take care!
Teacher Vinicius

quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2014

Dawn of The Planet of The Apes

- Apes do not want 1. _________________!
- You know the scary 2. _________________ about them? They don’t need power, lights, heat, nothing. That’s their advantage. That’s what makes them stronger.
- We both have 3. _________________. You want to protect yours. I want to protect mine. It’s our only chance for 4. ____________________.
- Are you aware, they are going to turn on you? 
- They are 5. ____________________!
- Caesar, you're in home.
- Who was that?
- A good 6. ___________________... like you.
- Caesar love 7. _________________ more than apes!
- If you threaten his family, he will retaliate.
- Don't shoot.
- Don't you 8. ___________________.
- Should I shoot him?
- 9. ____________________.
- Oh, you wanna a drink?
- Alright. Easy!
- Easy.
- What are you doing?
- I’m saving the human race.
- Oh, my god!
- We made contact, military. They’re already on their way.
- Caesar, you have to go!
- Go, where? 
- This my home. 
- I’m sorry, my 10. ___________________. War has begun.
- Caesar!

Power = energia 
Heat = calor 
Advantage = vantagem
To turn on = voltar-se contra
To be aware = estar ciente de 
Threaten  = ameaçar
to shoot = atirar em

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

Call Center

- We handle nearly 200,000 1._______________________ a day. The hotlines to some of the biggest 2._______________________ in the country.
- Online Sentel. Melanie speaking ... Melanie ... speaking. How can I help? Again, my name is Melanie and have a great day.
- Do you only 3._______________________ women named Melanie?
- It's a trick of the trade. Callers like to 4._______________________ they get the same service rep. This here is the Melanie and John section, and you are over here with the Jennifers and Stephens. 5._______________________ is you.
- What do you mean this is me? I was 6._______________________ I had a supervisor position.
- You gotta spend six 7._______________________ in the trenches before you can interview for a supervisor.
- But I have a PhD. Surely... 
- Look. You want the 8._______________________ or not?
- Yeah.
- Great! Gus here will help get you started. OK, Stephen.
- It's Charlie.
- Sure it is!
- In the File menu do you see where it says 9._______________________?
- Okey dokey-. Can you open the Open menu?
- Okey dokey-. Again, my name is Stephen. Thank you for calling Sentel. Have a great day.
- I actually liked Gus at first sight.
- Welcome to hell, dickhead!
- Maybe not at first sight.
- I'm sorry?
- Hell! People hooked up to machines like slaves. And the smell ... It's pure underarm.
- OK, so what do we do here?
- Sentel Online, Stephen speaking. How may I help you? Okey dokey-, ma'am. Have you checked to see if your PC is on? No, ma'am I'm not a retard. That's simply the protocol … Sorry. Okey dokey-. I'm gonna check that with my supervisor real 10._______________________ and I'm gonna put you on hold.
- You see, Stephen, I'm 65 years old now and my husband is asking me to do it donkey-style...
- OK, ma'am. I'm going to transfer you to our technical department. Please hold...
- Good god... 
- Are you expecting a call?

Vocabulary & Expressions
Handle = lidar com
Nearly = quase
Hotline = linha direta
Trick = truque
Trade = comércio
Rep = representante
Trenches = valas
Surely = certamente
File = arquivo
Actually = na verdade
At First sight = primeira vista
Hook up = conectar
Slaves = escravos
Smell = cheiro
Underarm = axilas
Protocol = protocolo
Put sb on hold = colocar alguém em espera.

Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr.(s) Reader!
I'm teacher Vinicius, How may I help you? 

segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2014

Armageddon - Harry Says Goodbye

- 1. ______________!
- Hi, Gracie. Hi, honey. Grace, I know I promised you I was comin' 2. ______________.
- I don't under... Understand.
- Looks like I'm gonna have to break that 3. _______________.
- I, um... I lied to you, too, when I told you that I didn't want to be like you. 4. _________________ I am like you. And everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. I love you so much, Daddy. I'm so proud of you. I'm so scared.
- I 5. _______________ it, baby, but there won't be anything to be scared of 6. _________________. Gracie, I want you to know that A.J. saved us. He did. I want you to tell Chick that I couldn't have 7. _______________ it without him, none of it. I 8. _______________ you to take care of A.J. I wish I 9. ________________ be there to walk you down the aisle. But I'll... I'll look in on you from time to time, okay, 10. _________________? I love you, Grace.
- I love you, too.
- I gotta go now, honey.
- Daddy, no. No, no, Dad, no.

To take care of = tomar cuidado de
From time to time = de tempos em tempos
To look like = parecer que
I'm so proud of you = eu tenho muito orgulho de você
To be scared of = ter medo de, estar com medo de

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Inglês Americano X Inglês Britânico

Há diferenças de:
1. ACCENT (Pronúncia)
2. SPELLING (Ortografia)
3. VOCABULARY (Vocabulário)

As principais são:


1. No inglês britânico há supressão do "h" no início das palavras.
Eg.: I have a horrible hangover - soa: "I've an 'orrible 'angover.
2. O "o" no inglês britânico em palavras como "hot" e "pot" é pronunciado
com os lábios arredondados.
3. O "t" entre vogais, no inglês americano, é pronunciado como um "d" suavizado.
 Já os falantes britânicos pronunciam o "t" como /t/.
4. No inglês britânico, a consoante "r" só é pronunciada antes de vogal.
Eg.: bedroom.
Nos demais casos, o "r" é silencioso, soando mais similar ao som "ah". 
Eg.: car, learn, over.


1. center
2. theater
3. color
4. honor
5. labor
6. catalog
7. dialog
8. check
9. tire
10. pajamas

1. centre
2. theatre
3. colour
4. honour
5. labour
6. catalogue
7. dialogue
8. cheque (bank note)
9. tyre
10. pyjamas