segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

Office Space

BILL: Hello, Peter. What's 1._____________? Uh… we have sort of a 2._____________here.
Yeah. You apparently didn't put one of the new coversheets on your TPS reports. 

PETER: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that. I, I 3._____________

BILL: Mmmm.. Yeah. You see, we're putting the coversheets on all tps reports peter now before they go out. Did you see the memo about this?

PETER: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have the memo right here, I just uh.. forgot. But, uh, it's not shipping out until 4._____________, so there's no problem. 

BILL: Yeah. If you could just go ahead and make sure you do that from now on, that will be great. And Uh, I'll go ahead and make sure you get another 5._____________ of that memo. Mmmm, Ok?

PETER: Yeah, yeah, I've got the memo. It's right...

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